Deveraux Glaivort

≋ Marauder ≋ Big Sword ≋ Big Stupid ≋ Zalera ≋
"Just because I don't know how to read doesn't mean I'm not fun to be around." -Deveraux Glaivort

Basic Info

Name: Deveraux Glaivort
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 34
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Height: 6Fm 11Im
Hair: Black (Ends Dyed White)
Eyes: Silver
Birthplace: The Black Shroud
Occupation: Wandering Mercenary

RP Hooks

Wandering Mercenary: Deveraux can often be found travelling near La Noscea and Thanalan, often working for anyone willing to ask for help. Maybe you've seen him around? Perhaps you have hired him in the past, or maybe you wish to hire him for future work?Monster Hunter: On the rare occasion Deveraux can be spotted hunting monsters alongside larger groups. You might recognize him from hunting together, or have just heard his name before.Former Bandit: Deveraux has a dark past of being a highwayman, and though it was years ago his banditry most definitely hasn't left him without a bounty. While it's not much, maybe you seek to claim it? Maybe you were attacked by the group he was apart of? Maybe you've hired them to rough someone up? How you remember him from back then depends on you.

Deveraux was born and raised in The Shroud alongside his sister Evelaine. Their lives were happy and they traveled often, Deveraux learning how to fight martially, while his sister preferred to understand the way the world worked. Yet all good things must end, and when Deveraux was no older than teenager, he and his sister were left alone after their parents died. They took some time travel together, managing to scrounge for supplies and use what their parents taught them to survive. Though it wasn't before long that the siblings knew that there was more to life than this, and they decided to split ways. While Evelaine decided it was best to go into the cities, and try and become an academic, Deveraux decided he would support her goals by looking for ways to make some easy gil.Banditry is by no smalls means something any normal person chooses to do, and it was by a handful of strange occurrences that Deveraux ended up where he spent the next few years of his life. He found himself jumping around between groups of less than admirable people, looking for less than legal ways of acquiring the gil he would send his sister. While he was never a fan of the life he was living, he knew that it was the best way he had to make sure his sister was able to pursue her goals in life. The two even had the chance to meet every so often, where they would catch up on how things were, though he often lied about what he did for work. He did it all to make sure his sister was happy, and long as Evelaine was happy, so was Deveraux.

It wasn't until many years later that anything would change for Deveraux, shortly after a job gone wrong had forced him to join up with a new group. He had never questioned the morality of some of the things he had done, these people had to have more gil somewhere right? So long as they paid up, they were safely allowed to go about their merry way... That was at least how things were supposed to go, but Deveraux's new boss was something worse than your average bandit.After just a couple weeks with this group, Deveraux wanted out, but knew that just leaving this monster to do what he wanted wasn't something he could stomache. So, one night, he lured the captain out into the woods, and ambushed him. The fight was short, and not at all in Deveraux's favor. Though Deveraux landed a few blows, the Captain wounded him heavily, and finished the fight swiftly with a strike to his head, one which took his eye. Deveraux dropped to the forest floor in a mix of shock and pain, unable to see what was going on around him before his vision went black.

Deveraux awoke in a nearby hamlet, bandaged and still recovering. A passing hunter had found him, and brought him to safety, as well as bandaging his wounds. The hunter took care of Deveraux while he recovered, and the two got to know one another. Through their conversations, Deveraux understood that he was no longer going to be safe in these parts, and once he was fully healed, began to travel in search of new opportunity.

My name is Matt, I am a 22 y.o Male and use He/Him pronouns. I'm fairly new to the RP community, but I've been RPing in other communities for about 7 years.
I am willing to adapt to whatever style of RP you prefer, and I am down for anything, though I am not a huge fan of out of the blue ERP, I prefer to work character relationships towards that. Also please do excuse any stupid questions I have about lore or RP customs. However I hope that if we do end up RPing together, that I can learn from the experience and grow as an RPer.
Feel free to walk up or send me a tell, but I hope we get the chance to RP together soon!

I'll list a bunch of my friends' caards once I understand how this darn thing works.

Under Construction

I'll add some character art and GPoses once I get them, thank you for you patience :)